Teka-tekuk versi Matematik - 7

Hello Everybody... Here I come again... ngeheheh...;}

Is this statement True or False?

 If U say TRUE, please tell me why and if it's FALSE... Why???

Please remember, a riddle is not meant to be a Question which U can run to the nearest dictionary to find the answer...

Share Ur answer and opinion here...
Have a nice fun day!


RerameUngu said…
Hoh??ala...teka teki ni lagi....xreti la jwpnye *mls lebih22 ni* hahahaha
ISZA said…
Benar: Four (IV) adalah setengah daripada FIVE kerana IV di tengah. Perkataan FIVE mempunyai empat huruf dan setengah daripada ia adalah IV.
Alyssa Villamor said…
wah..cikgu isza ni hebat tol la..sokong jwpn dia tu~ ;)
YuSeNzE said…
Rerama : Nanti I pos soklan yang senang2 je erk... keke...;}

Che;gu : So far che'gu adalah penjawab tegar... *ade ke istilah ni*.. ahaks...;D

Alyssa : Emm...(-_-") so far alyssa adalah penyokong yang tegar... muahaha~~~