--Kisah Benar--


Aduhai kekasih...

"Haruskah, aku terus merayu padamu,
Haruskah, aku taburi janji beribu..."

YUSENZE <--- Diwajipkan menjawab tag ini. Duhai kekanda Isza yang menggemari rotannya, adinda telah dengan terpaksa relanya menjawab tag kekanda. Dont U worry, untuk edisi ni dinda masih mampu menyudahkan tugasan dengan jiwa tenang... ehe...

Soalan-soalannya adalah seperti berikut

soalan 1 : 3 names in your message inbox.
1) Boss
2) Boss
3) NiNa

ekeke... habis la aku...

soalan 2 : Your main Ringtone.
Malmsteen solo guitar

soalan 3 : What u did at 12 last night?
Buat air milo

soalan 4 : Who was the last person you went out with? where?
Kecik (Member gua) - Kedai makan tngok gusti... haha

soalan 5 : The colour of the T-shirt you're wearing now.
Err.. Tiada... wahaha (Bilik ini gua yg punya)

soalan 6 : The last thing u did.
Tngok DVD ngan anak2-----------------------------------buah

soalan 7 : 3 of your everyday favorite items.
Lappy, jam tangan, ray-ban

soalan 8 : The color of your bedroom.
Putih + cekelat

soalan 9 : How much money in your wallet now?
uik!!?? mane le bagi tau... cukup la untuk makan besar 15 hari... ekeke

soalan 10 : How's life?
Life is so short, ha... lu fikirlah sendiri... aha

soalan 11 : your favorite song..
Umur Ini Tertentu - Versi Akhil Hayy

soalan 12 : What will you do next weekend?
Merempit... haha... nak repair motor gua ni, da sebu... nak kasik laju lagi...

soalan 13 : When was the last time you saw your mum.
Ya Allah, sebulan setengah yang lalu... huhu...

soalan 14 : where is she now?
Di kampung

soalan 15 : when was the last time you talked to your parent?
jawapan seperi di atas (soalan 13)

soalan 16 : Who is the last person that talked with you last night?
A good fren of mine... ehe

soalan 17 : where did you have dinner last night?
Gerai Ayu Tomyam

soalan 18 : The last surprise you got.
Weird Offer from my BOSS

soalan 19 : Last thing you borrowed from your friend.

soalan 20 : Who is your bf/gf or husband/wife?
Whoever reading this... wakaka

soalan 21 : what do you feel now?

soalan 22 : wanna share with who?
Dengan kamu... siapa?? kamulah... ehe...

soalan 23 : who knows your secret?
Me and myself... we will never call it "SECRET" if we share it...

soalan 24 : they keep your secret?
Who r "THEY"???

soalan 25 : Are you angry with someone?
P1 Wimax

soalan 26 : what do you order at McD?
Spicy Beef Foldover ngahaha~~~

soalan 27 : The last time you felt so sad..
2 weeks ago... who cares... emmm (-_-")

soalan 28 : mahu tag?
I dont wanna tag anybody... Lets take a short break... hehe..:) <--bajet selamat la ni..
Papai... see yaa... ehe...(>__<)


ape2 jer said…
ko angry ngan mende tu potong jelah wakaka
diriku ini terbelenggu dengan kontrak la cik... adeh...
ISZA said…
datang sambil pegang rotan nie.. nasib baik jawab dengan penuh beretika.. (simpan balik rotan)

trima kasih2
ehehe~~~ kanda rupenya... nasib bek x ngumpat, klu x sure kene rotan... (>__<)
aida said…
uyooo ade name dlm inbox.. aha
NiNa~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ahaks.... ;)
|.a.r.i.e.z.a.| said…
aik last time jmpe mak ko. sbln stgh yg lalu. last time menipu mak ko, sbln stgh yg lalu jugak.. amboi.. ko tipu mak ko ape time tu? haha
|.a.r.i.e.z.a.| said…
eh aku salah bace rupanye hahahah .. aku igtkn soklan 15 tu tnye when was the last time u lie to ur parents.. hahahah 'u talked to ur parents' rupanye hahhahahahaha..
ceh arieza... ko lupe mengenakan spek la agaknyer... ekeke... (>__<)